Residential Service
Are you paying too much money for your electricity at your house or apartment?
Not sure which providers have the best rates?
Prestige Energy Management has some of the best rates from very reliable and trusted providers.
Contact for the current residential price chart.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Will my electricity service change when I switch electricity providers?
A: No, your electricity service will stay the same no matter which provider you choose. A provider is essentially a billing service and the electricity service will either be Oncor, TNMP, CenterPoint or AEP in Texas.
Q: I already have a contract, can I purchase new contract ahead for a future start date?
A: With in 30 days of your current contract expiration date.
Q: If my power goes out who do I call?
A: Call your local utility company Oncor, TNMP, CenterPoint or AEP.
Q: Do you require a deposit?
A: Depends on your credit. Usually no, but sometimes a provider requests one. Usually, you can get by with clean payment history- no late fees.
If you have any other questions please call (214) 501-7377