Commercial Service
The Process
Introduction: A quick meeting at your current location or a conversation over phone/email. This is to discuss your current situation and what you are looking for.
Usage Assessment: Look up your history usage over the past 12 months. This helps recognize your current load profile as well as your usage tendencies.
Bid Process: Analyze the current usage history and then bid it out to several different providers. Looking for different options that fit your usage profile and then negotiate for best overall rate.
Compare Prices: Easy part for the customer. You will get a customized price quote tailored to your current usage history. This will have top 5 prices with terms lengths from 1 month to 5 years.
Decide & Save: Once we have discussed your current options, you will decide on the option you are most comfortable with.
Sign Contract: Either physical contract or some providers offer e-signatures.
Risk Management
Energy management is often overlooked by the electricity customer. Using Prestige Energy Management as an electricity management tool can really help you reduce future electricity cost.
The commercial electricity market is very complex. Electricity should be treated just like any other commodity. It is traded every 15 minutes.
There are several factors that can affect electricity prices:
Natural Gas: The majority of Texas electricity is a product of natural gas.
Weather: Summer heat and winter ice
Economy: Basic supply and demand .
Politics: Changing regulations
Together these factors make the Texas electricity market very volatile. Let Prestige Energy Management assist you when deciding on your next electricity purchase.
Cost Analysis
A cost analysis is the easiest way to figure out your electricity budget as well as how much money you will save with your new rate. We'll take your current rate and usage history and compare with your new rate. This helps decide which electricity term you are most comfortable with.
See Example Below. This will map out how much money you will save over the period of your new contract.
Frequently Ask Questions
Q: Will my electricity service change when I switch electricity providers?
A: No, your electricity service will stay the same no matter which provider you choose. A provider is essentially a billing service and the electricity service will either be Oncor, TNMP, CenterPoint or AEP in Texas.
Q: Are there any hidden charges with you of the providers?
A: No, you will have your rate, distribution charges, and taxes
Q: I already have a contract, can I purchase new contract ahead for a future start date?
A: Yes. Purchasing ahead of time is a really good way to save money when the market is low.
Q: I have multiple locations, can I have them all on one contract?
A: Yes. Really easy process and can actually lower your rate. You can even have different start dates for each location.
Q: If my power goes out who do I call?
A: Call your local utility company either Oncor, TNMP, CenterPoint or AEP.
Q: How do you, as a broker, get paid?
A: Get paid by the amount of business we bring to a provider. A lot of providers use brokers because it is cheaper than have their own sales reps: paying them commission, salary, benefits, etc.
Q: Do you require a deposit?
A: Depends on your credit. Usually no, but sometimes a provider requests one. Usually, you can get by with clean payment history- no late fees.
Q: How much does it cost to break a contract?
A: This depends on your provider. Would never recommend breaking a contract it can cost a lot of money.
Q: Can you just send me rates?
A: Yes. If you would like rates tailored to your usage history you need to submit a Letter of Authorization. This usually lowers your prices.
Q: Can I put my home on my commercial contract?
A: Sometimes. Usually, depends on the provider. It can also be more expensive.
Q: What is my all in price including Transmission and Distribution charges?
A: Request a "all-in" prices prediction. This estimates rates including distribution charges.
Q: Do you have month-to-month options?
A: Yes. Perfect for a customer not knowing if they are staying at a current location. If the market is low, it might even be cheaper than a fixed rate.
Q: How long do the price quotes last?
A: Usually for only that day. Price quotes change daily. Based on the market.
If you have any other questions call (214) 501-7377