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Prestige Energy Management, LLC (PEM) is a commercial electricity consultant and broker that specializes in assisting companies, of any size, manage electricity costs and needs.

There are many different things that can affect the energy market. In order to get the most cost-efficient plan for your company PEM follows oil, natural gas, and energy markets daily. Not only does PEM watch the commodities market, we also follow trends in the economy and weather that can affect your price from either going up or down.


Determining when to lock in your electricity contract or to go on a variable product (MCPE) can be tough a decision. Prestige Energy Management can give you as much material as it can in order for your company to make an informative decision. PEM not only negotiates new contracts, but also manages your existing accounts. By following specific markets that affect energy prices, PEM is always looking for opportunities to purchase new or existing contracts.

Energy Management and customer service is our #1 goal. Prestige Energy would like an opportunity to come out and present some different purchasing strategies to your company. Even if you have an existing contract, PEM would like to assist you on your upcoming options to help your company prepare for your next contract.


Deregulation of electricity gives the electricity consumers the right to choose their electricity provider.

When you decide on a electricity provider your electricity will not be affected. The only thing that will change will be your billing service. Your new electricity provider will now send you your current bill. You will have a new rate with the same electricity service.

Unfortunately, not every city in Texas in deregulated. Follow the link on the right to see if your city has the right to choose their electricity provider.

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